4 yr old child presents with fever of 3 days headache,joint pain if 2 days. He had epistaxis today but was controlled quickly by local measures
A provisional dx of dx was made keep in mind other possibilities
What is dengue?
ClinicalFeaturesof DF:
An acutefebrile illnessof 2-7days duration with two or more of the following manifestations:
Headache,retro-orbitalpain,myalgia,arthralgia,rash haemorrhagic manifestations.
This child has plt count of 90000/mm3 and pleural effusion by usg
So this child has dengue hemorrhagic fever
This child’s fever abates and he develops cold clay extremities,weak pulse and a bp of 88/70 mm of hg
So it is dhss
What is the Natural course of dengue Infection ?
The clinical course of illness passes through the following three phases:
• Febrilephase
• Criticalphase
• Convalescentphase
What are features of different phase of dengue?
What are the Differential DiagnosisofDF/DHF?
How is dengue classified clinically?
How is dengue diagnosed?
What is the management?
What is the management of dhs 1 and 2 ?
What is dengue shock syndrome 3 and 4 ?