A 9 months old child develops fever of 103 degree with no focus since 3days. Baby develops sudden stiffening of limbs followed by jerky movements of both upper and lower …
Every society would like to give best of care to children, as they are invaluable assets we have. It is our duty that we nurture, polish, and prepare them suitable for this fascinating world. In wellness, like good parenting and in illness best available care, will be any kid’s first wish. It is up-to us to support, help our children thrive well in this society.
The website offers useful clinical materials in paediatrics for paediatricians, under graduate, post graduate and parents. It will be a useful site for undergraduate and post graduates who are negotiating the learning curve of paediatrics. This site offer patient education material in vernacular.
For the paediatricians analysis of common symptoms, approach to common problems, case scenarios and common disease conditions will be discussed here.
As a paediatrician I feel it is of paramount importance to discuss problems of children with parents. As professionals we should able to share with empathy relevant clinical details to parents. How to deal with emergencies at home, how to prevent accidents, how to do parenting and on. So the parents can make a difference in approach to children in illness and good health.
As undergraduate students get exposed to normal children, they get to know what is normal. Students will acquire basic information about common illness and acquire clinical examination skills. Osce, mini cex, osce, short discussion form most of the methods for basic training.
Medical graduates who pursue further studies in paediatrics undergo intensive training in outpatient, intensive and inpatient care. Medical care of children has evolved to newer dimensions in this century. Medical education revolves on the basic pillars of cognition, psychometric skills and affective skills. Medical graduates should be updated about current protocols and recent advances, in addition to fundamental principles of paediatrics. Minicex, dops, osce and clinical discussions form the core exercise during training.
A 9 months old child develops fever of 103 degree with no focus since 3days. Baby develops sudden stiffening of limbs followed by jerky movements of both upper and lower …
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